PBS_NUM_PPN - number of cores allotted

When submitting jobs to TORQUE/PBS one can request access to multiple cores/threads on the machine one get allocated to, e.g.

qsub -l "nodes=1:ppn=8,vmem=12gb"

requests one machine (1) with eight parallel tasks (ppn=8) using in total 12 GiB of RAM (vmem=12gb). For more details on alternatives, see Submit Jobs to the scheduler.

When the above job is launched on a node (whichever is available with those resources), the PBS_NUM_PPN environment variable is set according to the ppn=<n> specifications. In the above example, it is set as:

export PBS_NUM_PPN=8

Thus, instead of hard-coding the number of cores in your scripts, you can query this variable to see how many parallel tasks your job is allowed to use. If ppn=<n> is not specified, then PBS_NUM_PPN is set to 1 (== single-core processing).


When using the BWA mem aligner, use

bwa mem -t $PBS_NUM_PPN ...

in your call. For GATK, one can use

java -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -nt $PBS_NUM_PPN ...

or equivalently

java -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar --num_threads $PBS_NUM_PPN ...