⚠️ 2021-11-01: The TIPCC cluster is retired. If you're looking for a modern cluster, please see our new
C4 cluster, which is in production since January 11, 2021.
Join the Cluster
Anyone affiliated with the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center can get access to the compute cluster, e.g. investigators, analysts, post docs, and students.
To request access and get an account on the cluster, please contact us with the following information on the new user:
- First and Last name
- UCSF email address
- UCSF active directory username and domain (e.g. CAMPUS\username)
- UCSF affiliation (faculty, student, postdoc, etc.)
- UCSF Principle Investigator, if any
- (optional) GitHub user name to access Issue Tracker (to create an account go to https://github.com/join/)